For over 25 years, we have managed investment portfolios for corporations and executives who value transparency, service, wisdom and integrity.

The Consultants at Shaw, Funderburk, headquartered in Port Clinton, Ohio has provided robust investment portfolio design for executives and corporate retirement plans for over twenty-five years.
Since 1986, the Financial Consultants at Shaw, Funderburk have designed portfolios for hundreds of sophisticated investors, for both individuals and corporate retirement accounts, worth millions of dollars in value. Corporate retirement clients range from 5 to 10 employees up to several hundred employees in multi-state locations.
Shaw, Funderburk clients' have recognized that "boiler plate" investment platforms have not performed adequately in recent years. We believe our firm has grown because we have provided our clients with strategies that are "in their best interests." In this challenging investing climate, with historically low interest rates and volatile world wide equity markets, our clients deserve no less.
We can do the same for you and your firm.